To answer my woes of the stress of living with family, I posted an ad on Craigslist in mid-July offering dog and housesitting as a service. I received a request from a lovely girl that is living in Southern RI with her fiance. They needed someone to watch their very sweet dog Tika. So voila, here I am. I've been here five days, and I have to say I am starting to feel like my old self again being by myself, buying my own food, and controlling my own temperature (for the most part-New England had a heat wave last week).
The house here is a sort of cottage that is quaint, pretty, architectural and interesting. It's in a quiet wooded area, and it's very peaceful. The first night I thought I was going to be attacked by the 750,000 different bugs that come to life after dusk. By the fifth day, I'm used to the sounds and actually find them very relaxing.
The couple that lives here live very simply. I've not grown used to this, and have decided this type of life is not for everyone. I don't consider myself overly materialistic or high maintenance. But I did feel greedy when I first arrived. There is no television. I've gone without cable, but not without television. I've found I don't mind it due to having online viewing via my Netflix account. Which means I don't think I could go without tv.
It's not just the absence of tv that makes me feel this is simple living. It's basic furniture, basic cleaning and makeup items, and very basic clutter. There is one knife for use in the kitchen. There is one baking pan. The bed is from Ikea. There is something comforting in it all, but I find I miss my things even more this week. I stored the majority of my things in storage while residing with my family. Now, if the storage place burned down, or if I had to move suddenly without getting my things out, I would be ok. But I am also looking forward to getting my things out. I think it will feel like I went shopping or got lots of presents. Maybe others would look at my things as simple, I don't know. But we all have our space, our items, and we enjoy them however simple or not-so-simple they may be.
One very simple thing I've enjoyed the past two days-the ocean is a cool fifteen minutes away. It is one simple thing in life I can always find joy in.
I am not the typical Type A personality. A friend always told me I am
over-achiever. I was never sure what that meant. I just went to an online
dictionary ...